Sunday, August 20, 2006

My rant about teh idiocy in teh movie business

Now don't get me wrong as i love show business and teh entertainment Industry.
Once in a while though
i get a thought that probably wouldn't go over well with teh publicists of major studios.
and it's this:

every weekend, when a new flick breax all previous records, such as
most recently
how Pirates of teh Caribbean broke
every weekend box office opening record

does anyone ever account for the fact that ticket prices have gone up as well
which is why it made more money than all previous films? FRIGGIN' DUH!

OF COURSE Pirates of teh Caribbean broke all records. it also costs friggin' more than evar 2 go 2 a movie!
shit - how could it not break ET's record when it only cost $3
2 go C
E fucking T!

so when i hear about another record broken
i just roll my eyes
and can't bear teh stupidity of those who claim 2 break teh records
those who R not smart enough 2 realize that teh bettar question

teh true equalizer / measure of succe$$
teh bettar point 2 make / B proud of is

how many tickets were sold. period.